SS - Super Saver
RP - Red Plum (sometimes also called Valassis)
PG - Procter & Gamble
GM - General Mills
KG - Kellogg
More abbreviations:
B1G1 or BOGO - buy one get one
MIR - mail in rebate
RR - register reward (Walgreens)
FAR - free after rebate
IVC - instant value coupon
ECB - extra care bucks (CVS)
OOP - out of pocket
YMMV - your mileage may vary. Means all stores may not accept or participate.
IP - internet printable
MC or MQ - manufacturers coupon
Q - coupon
SCR - single check rebate (Rite Aid)
WYB - when you buy
TP - Target printable
Store abbreviations:
HT - Harris Teeter
FL - Food Lion
P - Publix
PC - Price Cutter
LF - Lowe's Foods
SW - Safeway
WF - Whole Food's
TJ - Trader Joe's
Stack - use two coupons together. For example, Walgreens allows you to use a Walgreens store coupon with a manufacturers coupon on the same item.
Catalina - coupons for $$ off your next purchase that print out alongside your receipt at the register.
Peelies - coupons you find on the product itself (peels off)
Blinkies - sm coupon machines found in many stores that spit out coupons. They have a blinking light, hence the name.
Hangtags - just what it sounds like. Coupon is on a tag that hangs from the product.
Tearpads - just what it sounds like. Usually tearpad coupons hang on shelves near the product.
RP - Red Plum (sometimes also called Valassis)
PG - Procter & Gamble
GM - General Mills
KG - Kellogg
More abbreviations:
B1G1 or BOGO - buy one get one
MIR - mail in rebate
RR - register reward (Walgreens)
FAR - free after rebate
IVC - instant value coupon
ECB - extra care bucks (CVS)
OOP - out of pocket
YMMV - your mileage may vary. Means all stores may not accept or participate.
IP - internet printable
MC or MQ - manufacturers coupon
Q - coupon
SCR - single check rebate (Rite Aid)
WYB - when you buy
TP - Target printable
Store abbreviations:
HT - Harris Teeter
FL - Food Lion
P - Publix
PC - Price Cutter
LF - Lowe's Foods
SW - Safeway
WF - Whole Food's
TJ - Trader Joe's
Stack - use two coupons together. For example, Walgreens allows you to use a Walgreens store coupon with a manufacturers coupon on the same item.
Catalina - coupons for $$ off your next purchase that print out alongside your receipt at the register.
Peelies - coupons you find on the product itself (peels off)
Blinkies - sm coupon machines found in many stores that spit out coupons. They have a blinking light, hence the name.
Hangtags - just what it sounds like. Coupon is on a tag that hangs from the product.
Tearpads - just what it sounds like. Usually tearpad coupons hang on shelves near the product.